Thursday, 17 March 2016


 I began the creation of my level with a simple blockout of a house which when I look back on could have a had a more unique shape to compensate for gameplay elements and to help keep navigation fun and engaging , but it did get the job done for a prototype and i can easily revisit this in the future. In this evaluation ill just talk bout the most important things that need evaluating

Once i begun the creation of my blueprints for interactions in the game i started to look at my psuedocode and, i had went beyond what my plans were, but this was the case due to me never doing blueprint before and i didn't know how difficult they were but i believe i picked up quite a substantial amount of knowledge towards them which i can take forward and will be an essential skill in the future. I also found that i didn't make many mistakes and the ones i did make were tiny and very basic but the more complicated aspects were fine.

The first blueprint i created was for the picking up of an item but in a cheated way by just showing a widget on screen as to give the impression of picking up items, this worked extremely well and better than i thought it would be, i was quite happy with how it turned out and i even made sure to hide the actor when the widget is displayed so it seem like your actually picking it up. Looking back i would of like to create and texture the base meshes used so you know what it was before you pick it up but thats just something to look at for future development.

The next blueprint i was happy with how it turned out was the keypad, my first idea was to originally have the keypad pop up on screen and use mouse clicks to complete it which looking back would of been a much easier and less time consuming route but instead i looked up and researched into ray casting so i could press from the player in game this took a long time to come to fruition and it still doesn't fully function since i couldn't make a clear button work inside the blueprint, which is defiantly something i would look back on and try to fix or maybe just leave it out depending on how i want to take this forward into the future.

So to conclude i think that my level came out alot better than i thought it would and iv came along way in terms of knowledge of blueprints, iv also found that i really enjoy them and will continue to practice them in my spare time. Looking back i would've like to created more little matinees and instances in my level to pad it out because it feels quite empty as is but is something i could defiantly take forward or even start from scratch with the knowledge iv learned from this build.

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